To άρθρο δημοσιεύτηκε στην εφημερίδα Holistic Life  (ανεξάρτητη περιοδική έκδοση για της συμπληρωματικές και εναλλακτικές θεραπείες) στο τεύχος 24, Μάρτιος – Απρίλιος 2008 και το γράφει ο κύριος Γεράσιμο Στουραΐτης , Διευθυντής Ιπποκράτειου Κέντρου Κλασσικής Ομοιπαθητικής.

Είναι αδιαφιλονίκητο γεγονός ότι όλα τα εμβόλια δεν είναι ούτε αθώα ούτε ασφαλή και ότι πιθανό να έχουν σοβαρότητες παρενέργειες όπως επιληψία , εγκεφαλοπάθεια , παράλυση , αυτισμό , σακχαροδιαβήτη , σύνδρομο Ντάουν , σύνδρομο αιφνιδίου βρεφικού θανάτου και θάνατο , για να αναφέρω μερικές από τις παρενέργειες των εμβολισμών.


Κάθε γονέας πρέπει να είναι όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερο ενημερωμένος για το συγκεκριμένο εμβόλιο που θα επιτρέψει να γίνει στο παιδί του , ιδιαιτέρως δε για τους πιθανούς κινδύνους που ο συγκεκριμένος εμβολιασμός μπορεί να κρύβει για το παιδί του.


Ενημερωθείτε  για τους κινδύνους επιπλοκών και για τις ανεπιθύμητες αντιδράσεις που μπορεί να έχει. Σκοπός αυτού του άρθρου δεν είναι να πείσει τους γονείς να μην εμβολιάζουν τα παιδιά τους. Άλλωστε αυτή είναι μια εντελώς δική τους απόφαση. Θα συμφωνήσετε , όμως , μαζί μου ότι προκειμένου να μπορεί κάποιο θέμα , ιδιαίτερα μάλιστα αν πρόκειται για την υγεία των παιδιών μας , πρέπει απαραιτήτως να έχει ενημερωθεί διεξοδικά για το θέμα για το οποίο πρόκειται να αποφασίσει. Σκοπός μου , λοιπόν είναι να δώσω στους αναγνώστες μια σύντομη ενημέρωσει που γενικώς λείπει , μια ενημέρωση που δεν δίδεται , ίσως επειδή τα ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΑ ΣΥΜΦΕΡΟΝΤΑ από τους εμβολιασμούς είναι τεράστια.


Στο πραγματικά καταπληκτικό βιβλίο του διδάκτορος της ιατρικής G.Buchwald με τον τίτλο <<Eμβολιασμοί .Μια επιχείρηση βασισμένη στον φόβο>> , που σας προτρέπω να διαβάσετε για να έχετε μια πλήρη ενημέρωση ( κυκλοφορεί στα ελληνικά από τις εκδόσεις Βιβλιοθήκη του Ρόδου) , δίνονται διάφορα στοιχεία , μεταξύ των οποίων και οικονομικά.


Στην σελίδα 273 και μόνον για το εμβόλιο του κοκκύτη αναφέρεται:


<<To πραγματικό κίνητρο για τις προωθούμενες από την κυβέρνηση εκστρατείες εμβολιασμού είναι ο κερδοσκοπικός τρόπος σκέψης της φαρμακευτικής βιομηχανίας και του ιατρικού κατεστημένου. Το <<Ιατρικό Βήμα>>(Medical Tribune) 49, της 14ης Μαρτίου 1987 αναφέρει: Ο Suessmuth επικρίνει τους γιατρούς που έχουν κουρασθεί με τους εμβολιασμούς.Όποιος δεν εμβολιάζει χάνει 10.000 μάρκα τον χρόνο>>. Σύμφωνα με αυτό το άρθρο , οι γιατροί γραφειοκράτες δρ F.H. Mader , ταμίας , και ο δρ. Ε.Brueggemann , Πρόεδρος του Συλλόγου Γερμανών Γενικών Παθολόγων , συνιστούν οι γιατροί να εμβολιάζουν όσο <<το πράγμα αντέχει>>!


Αυτό σημαίνει ότι κάθε γενικός παθολόγος στην Γερμανία μπορούσε ( την εποχή εκείνη) να κερδίσει 10.000 μάρκα μόνον από τους εμβολιασμούς. Καθώς στην Γερμανία γίνονται 5 έως 6 εκατομμύρια εμβολιασμοί ( πρίν από την επανεισαγωγή του εμβολίου BCG και το εμβόλιο του κοκκύτη ) , αυτός και μόνον ο αριθμός δείχνει πόσα τεράστια κέρδη αντιπροσωπεύουν οι εμβολιασμοί για την φαρμακευτική βιομηχανία και φυσικά για τους γιατρούς.


Vaccines, Immunization, and the Adverse Effects to Our Health


The FDA has also been aware that the HPV vaccine, “Gardasil,” may increase the risk of precancerous lesions of the cervix by 44.6% in women who are already carriers of the same strains of HPV used in the vaccine. A vaccine given to a woman who already carries HPV may activate the virus.


Όμως πέρα από τα οικονομικά συμφέροντα , εκείνο που ενδιαφέρει κάθε γονέα είναι η υγεία του παιδιού του. Τί γίνεται λοιπόν , σε έναν εμβολιασμό;


Σε ένα μικρό παιδί εισάγεται ένα πολλαπλάσιο παθογόνων οργανισμών από εκείνους που θα ελάμβανε σε μια πραγματική μολυσματική νόσο. Επειδή οι ιοί μπορούν να υπάρχουν και να αναπαράγονται μόνο μέσα σε ένα ζωντανό σύστημα – οργανισμό και καθώς η χρησιμοποίηση ορφανών παιδιών για την αναπαραγωγή του υλικού των εμβολίων οδήγησε στην διάδοση πάσης φύσεως μολυσματικών νόσων του αίματος , αλλά και επειδή όλο και περισσότεροι άνθρωποι συνειδητοποιούσαν ότι τα ορφανά παιδιά δεν είναι πολίτες δεύτερης κατηγορίας που μπορούν να κακοποιούνται για τα ιατρικά πειράματα , η αναπαραγωγή της λύμφης του εμβολίου άρχισε να γίνεται πάνω στο δέρμα νεαρών μόσχων. Αφού τα ζώα υφίσταντο απίστευτα μαρτύρια , τελικώς θανατώνονταν. Η κατάσταση αυτή έγινε γνωστή και άρχισαν αυξανόμενες διαμαρτυρίες από συλλόγους ζώων. Έτσι οι βιομηχανίες παρασκευής εμβολίων άρχισαν να χρησιμοποιούν άλλες ύλες όπως , για παράδειγμα , υμένες από αυγά πτηνών. Σήμερα η φαρμακευτική βιομηχανία ισχυρίζεται ότι δεν χρειάζονται , παρά μόνο σπανίως , ζώα για την παρασκευή εμβολίων , ότι έχουν την τεχνική δυνατότητα να χρησιμοποιούν καλλιέργειες σε ανθρώπινα κύτταρα ΗeLa ή HDC.


Πρόκειται για καρκινογόνα κύτταρα , που όμως δεν χαρακτηρίζονται ως τέτοια. Γίνεται , επίσης , λόγος για κυτταρικές γραμμές ή σειρές , πάντα για να αποσιωπηθεί το γεγονός ότι πρόκειται για καρκινογόνα κύτταρα. Η φαρμακευτική βιομηχανία δεν δείχνει να ανησυχεί για έναν πιθανό συσχετισμό μεταξύ της χρήσης καρκινικών κυττάρων για την παρασκευή εμβολίων και τον αυξανόμενο αριθμό κρουσμάτων καρκίνου στα παιδιά.


Στις περιπτώσεις που χρησιμοποιούνται αυγά κότας για την παρασκευή εμβολίων , υπολογίζεται ότι η παραγωγή κάθε δόσης εμβολίου απαιτεί ένα αυγό. Λόγω του μεγάλου αριθμού αυγών που χρειάζεται αυτή η διαδικασία είναι αντιληπτό ότι οι παραγωγοί και οι προμηθευτές αυγών έχουν επίσης επενδυμένα συμφέροντα στην παραγωγή εμβολίων , όσο περισσότερα τόσο καλύτερο! Τώρα η φαρμακευτική βιομηχανία ισχυρίζεται ότι τα περισσότερα εμβόλια παράγονται με την γενετική τεχνολογία. Όμως ουδείς μπορεί να πεί αν αυτά τα εμβόλια έχουν μια προστατευτική επίδραση.


Σε ότι αφορά την προστασία που υποτίθεται ότι παρέχουν οι εμβολιασμοί , τα υπάρχοντα στοιχεία πιστοποιούν ακριβώς το αντίθετο. Στο προαναφερθέν βιβλίο του κ. Buchwald αναφέρονται συνταρακτικά πράγματι στοιχεία, που αποκαλύπτουν ότι οι εμβολιασμοί δεν προστατεύουν τον εμβολιασμένο. Συγκεκριμένα αναφέρονται πολλές περιπτώσεις ανθρώπων που ασθένησαν βαρύτατα από την ασθένεια για την οποίαν είχαν εμβολιασθεί και συνεπώς υποτίθεται ότι θα είχαν προστασία.


Ένα πραγματικά πολύ εντυπωσιακό γεγονός που επιβεβαιώνει ότι οι εμβολιασμοί δεν προστατεύουν τίποτα άλλο εκτός από τα οικονομικά συμφέροντα κάποιων , συνέβη στην Γερμανία , στην Σάουερλαντ ,το έτος 1970. Στην πόλη Μέσεντε ορισμένοι κύκλοι χρησιμοποίησαν το φόβο ( όπως γίνεται και τώρα ) περί επικείμενης τρομερής ασθένειας για να προκαλέσουν  , με την βοήθεια του Τύπου που ελέγχεται από αυτούς τους κύκλους, μαζική υστερία που έφθανε τα όρια του πανικού. Από τους περίπου 300.000 κατοίκους εμβολιάσθηκαν λιγότεροι από το 10%, περίπου 23.000. Τί συνέβη στην συνέχεια; Ενώ τα ΜΜΕ πρίν από τον εμβολισμό πίεζαν τους κατοίκους για να εμβολιασθούν δημιουργώντας πανικό , μετά τον εμβολιασμό έλαμψαν δια της απουσίας τους. Ο λόγος της απουσίας τους αυτής ήταν ότι ανάμεσα στους περίπου 270.000 ανθρώπους που δεν είχαν εμβολιασθεί , δεν υπήρξε ούτε ένα κρούσμα , σε αντίθεση με όσους ασθένησαν , οι οποίοι είχαν εμβολιασθεί. Τέτοια παραδείγματα αφθονούν , έτσι αποκλείεται η πιθανότητα του τυχαίου.


Είναι αδιαφιλονίκητο γεγονός ότι όλα τα εμβόλια δεν είνια ούτε αθώα ούτε ασφαλή και ότι είναι πιθανό να έχουν σοβαρότατες παρενέργειες όπως επιληψία , εγκεφαλοπάθεια , παράλυση , αυτισμό , σακχαροδιαβήτη , σύνδρομο Ντάουν , σύνδρομο αιφνιδίου βρεφικού θανάτου και θάνατο , για να αναφέρω μερικές από τις παρενέργειες των εμβολιασμών.


Kάθε γονέας πρέπει να είναι όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερο ενημερωμένος για το συγκεκριμένο εμβόλιο που θα επιτρέψει να γίνει στο παιδί του , ιδιαιτέρως δε για τους πιθανούς κινδύνους που ο συγκεκριμένος εμβολιασμός μπορεί να κρύβει για το παιδί του. Ενημερωθείτε για τους κινδύνους επιπλοκών και για τις ανεπιθύμητες αντιδράσεις που μπορεί να έχει.


Το National Vaccine Information Center των Η.Π.Α. συμβουλεύει τους γονείς να αναρωτηθούν πριν από κάθε εμβολιασμό του παιδιού τους τα εξής:


1.Την στιγμή του εμβολιασμού είναι το απιδί μου άρρωστο εξαιτίας κάποιας ασθένειας;
2.Είχε κάποια σοβαρή αντίδραση σε προηγούμενο εμβόλιο;
3.Έχει το παιδί μου ή άλλο μέλος της οικογένειάς μου ιστορικό αντίδρασης σε εμβόλια , σπασμούς ή νευρολογικές διαταραχές , αλλεργίες ή διαταραχές του ανοσολογικού συστήματος;
4.Μήπως το παιδί μου ανήκει σε κάποια κατηγορία υψηλού κινδύνου για να παρουσιάσει κάποια αντίδραση στο εμβόλιο;
5.Έχω ενημερωθεί πλήρως για τις πιθανές αντιδράσεις και παρενέργειες του εμβολίου που πρόκειται να κάνει;
6.Ξέρω να αναγνωρίζω μια αντίδραση στο εμβόλιο;
7.Ξέρω πώς και πού πρέπει να την αναφέρω; Γνωρίζω τον κατασκευαστή και τον αριθμό της παρτίδας του εμβολίου που πρόκειται να γίνει στο παιδί μου;


Είναι πιθανόν , στην περίπτωση που κάποιος γονέας προσπαθήσει να συζητήσει όλα αυτά τα στοιχεία με τον παιδίατρο , να αντιμετωπίσει άρνηση για συζήτηση , σαρκασμό ή ακόμα και κοροϊδία για την αγωνία του , όσον αφορά την ασφάλεια του απιδιού του. Είναι επίσης σχεδόν σίγουρο ότι θα ακούσει και μια σύντομη διάλεξη για την ασφάλεια και τη χρησιμότητα των εμβολίων , καθώς και την πεποίθηση του παιδίατρου ότι τίποτα δεν θα συμβεί στο παιδί του γιατί τα εμβόλια είναι σχεδόν απολύτως ασφαλή.
Στις περιπτώσεις αυτές είναι καλό να διαπιστώνεται την αληθινή θέση του παιδίατρου σχετικώς με την ασφάλεια των εμβολίων ζητώντας από τον παιδίατρο να υπογράψει μια υπεύθυνη δήλωση ότι αναλαμβάνει να καλύψει πλήρως οποιοδήποτε κόστος της αντιμετώπισης μιας οποιασδήποτε αντίδρασης και παρενέργειας καθώς επίσης και την αποζημίωση για τον θάνατο του παιδιού , πάντα βέβαια αν αποδειχθεί ότι οφείλεται στο εμβόλιο , όσο υψηλό κι αν είναι το κόστος αυτό , ακόμα και αν χρειασθεί να πουλήσει όλη την προσωπική και οικογενειακή του περιουσία για να καλυφθεί το κόστος ή η αποζημίωση.


Mάλλον δεν θα βρείτε παιδίατρο που θα υπογράψει μια τέτοια δήλωση. Γιατί όμως; Αφού η πιθανότητα να παρουσιάσει το παιδί κάποια σοβαρή διαταραχή εξαιτίας του εμβολίου είναι απίθανη , γιατί όταν πρόκειται να αναλάβει ο ίδιος ο παιδίατρος το ενδεχόμενο οικονομικό κόστος για την αντιμετώπιση των παρενεργειών , φοβάται και δεν το αναλαμβάνει; Γιατί ξαφνικά οι πιθανότητες παρενεργειών από απίθανες γίνονται πιθανές και τον φοβίζουν;


Η μείωση , όπως διακηρύσσεται , των επιδημιών , δεν είναι αποτέλεσμα των εμβολιασμών. Τα γραφήματα στατιστικών στοιχείων αποδεικνύουν ότι οι μεταδοτικές ασθένειες είχαν υποχωρήσει αρκετό καιρό  , ορισμένες και 200 χρόνια , πρίν από την εισαγωγή των εμβολιασμών. Μάλιστα ορισμένες φορές τα γραφήματα δείχνουν ακόμα και αύξηση των ασθενειών τα πρώτα χρόνια μετά τους εμβολιασμούς. Οι γραφικές αποικονίσεις , λοιπόν , των στατιστικών καθιστούν ορατή την αρνητική επιρροή των εμβολιασμών.


Οι βλάβες και οι θάνατοι , που προκλήθηκαν και προκαλούνται από τα εμβόλια , υποκρύπτονται από το κοινό ή χαρακτηρίζονται <<απολύτως συμπτωματικά περιστατικά>> , δηλαδή σαν μια εξέλιξη που έτσι κι αλλοιώς ήταν αναμενόμενη , ακόμα κι αν δεν είχε γίνει ο εμβολιασμός.


Συχνά η βλάβη που έχει προκληθεί , αντιμετωπίζεται ως ασήμαντη και επιφανειακή , με τον ισχυρισμό ότι βλα´βη από εμβολισμό προκαλείται πολύ σπάνια ή η βλάβη συγκαλύπτεται με την απόδοση της αιτίας στα πλέον απίθανα συμπτώματα που μπορεί να βρεί κανείς στην πολύ εξειδικευμένη βιβλιογραφία.


Οι περισσότεροι άνθρωποι δεν γνωρίζουν ποιές μορφές μπορεί να προσλάβει η βλάβη από τους εμβολιασμούς . Τα περισσότερα παιδιά που έχουν υποστεί βλάβη εξαφανίζονται μέσα σε κάποιο ίδρυμα. Η ουσία σε αυτό το θέμα είναι ότι οι εμβολιασμοί , αυτό <<το μέτρο υπέρτης δημόσιας υγείας>> αποτελεί μεγάλη κερδοσκοπική επιχείρηση που βασίζεται στον φόβο!!!


Παρακάτω παραθέτουμε διάφορες μαρτυρίες – διαμαρτυρίες από ανθρώπους οι οποίοι βλαφτηκαν σοβαρά και επικίνδυνα από τα εμβόλια. Οι εικόνες μιλάνε από μόνες τους. Επίσης σας παραθέτουμε και διάφορα άρθρα και επιστημονική βιβλιογραφία  από ξένα ιατρικά επιστημονικά  περιοδικά που αναφέρουν τις ουσίες ( δραστικές και βλαβερές) που εμπεριέχονται στα εμβόλια και που είναι αυτές που καθιστούν τα ίδια τα εμβόλια επικίνδυνα καθώς επίσης τι παθήσεις , συμπτώματα ακόμα και θανάτους προκλήθηκαν από αυτά.
Θα προσπαθήσουμε να σας ενημερώσουμε και στα Ελληνικά για όσα έχουν γραφτεί και γράφονται στα ξένα άρθρα.
Παραθέτουμε επίσης και διάφορες ιστοσελίδες παγκόσμιες για μια καλύτερη πληροφόρηση δική σας ακι για να μάθετε τι ακριβώς συμβαίνει στον κόσμο με αυτό το καυτό θέμα.



Dangers of Vaccinations – Research information


Σας παραθέτουμε πιο κάτω άρθρα από Ιατρικά περιοδικά στις ΗΠΑ για τις διάφορες παρενέργειες που προκαλούν διάφορα εμβόλια!!!!


Medical Journal Articles on the Dangers of Vaccines


For those with a mind open enough to do some homework, below please find a collection of medical journal articles dealing with the dangers and ineffectiveness of vaccines.

If your doctor refuses to discuss not vaccinating your child, insist that he read these peer-reviewed articles. If he still insists on innoculating your child, find another pediatrician.

It’s time we stood up to the people who would inject filth into the pure bloodstreams of innocent children.


Pancreatis Caused by Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine Pancreas vol. 6 no 4 1991 [2]

Mumps Meningitis Following Measles, Mumps and Rubella Immunization Lancet July 1989 [1 pg]

Optic Neuritis Complicating Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccination American Journal of Opthalmology 1978 :86 [4 pgs.]

A Prefecture-wide Survey of Mumps Meningitis Associated with Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccine (Infec Dis J 1991 Vol 10 pg 204-209)

Risk of Aseptic Meningitis after Measles Mumps and Rubella Vaccine In UK Children (Lancet April 93 Pgs. 979)

A Prefecture -Wide Survey of Mumps Meningitis Associated With Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccine Pediatri Infect Dis J 1991; 10 [6pgs]

Guillain-Barre syndrome after measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine Lancet jan 1 1994 Vol 343 [1 pg]

Bilateral Hearing Loss After Measles and Rubella Vaccination In An Adult (NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE July 11, 1991 pg 134) [1pg]

Reports of Sensorineural deafness after measles, mumps, and rubella immunization Arch of Disease in Childhood 1993:69 [2 pgs.] There have been 9 reports of sensorineural hearing loss after MMR immunization. In three cases the deafness was unrelated .In six cases the cause was unknown but MMR remained a possible aetiology.

  • Case 1: This girl developed a rubella form rash 25 days after immunization. Three days later she developed vomiting and malaise. On revue, a week later, she exhibited poor balance. Nine weeks later she was found to respond poorly to sound. She had stopped speaking for the proceeding two weeks.
  • Case 2: This boy’s father suffered flu like illness at the same time that the boy was unwell after immunization. His mother noticed his poor hearing but attributed it to inattention and did not seek medical advice. He also has amblyopia and learning difficulties.
  • Case number 9: This boy became deaf four months after immunization. Mumps antibody titers measured at this time and one month later showed a significant rise.
  • Two of the cases not related .One child was deaf before vaccination and the other never received vaccinations the rest listed could be possibly related to MMR vaccine.


Is RA27/3 Rubella immunization a cause of chronic fatigue (MEDICAL HYPOTHESES 1988 27 pgs. 217-220) [4pgs]

Abstract- Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (primary fibrositis syndrome, major affective disorder ,etc.) have elevated IgG serum antibodies to multiple common viruses. Only IgGrubella antibodies are positively correlated with the intensity of symptoms and have a height that is clearly significant compared to healthy controls. The lymphotrophic properties of the rubella virus could account for the multiple elevated antibodies. Adult women are over-represented in the population of patients with chronic fatigue, and are especially susceptible to developing such symptoms following exposure to attenuated rubella new more potent strain of live rubella vaccine strain RA27/3 (my.02 this vaccine is the one using the aborted fetal tissue cells) was introduced in 1979. Within three years, reports of patients with chronic fatigue began surfacing in the literature. Considering all this, the possible role of rubella immunizations in the etiology of chronic fatigue syndrome deserves further study.

Rubella Vaccination of Hospital Employees (this talks about low immunization rate in doctors) JAMA Feb.20,1981 Vol 245 No 7 [2pgs]

Two Syndromes Following Rubella Immunization (Suggests a polyneuropathy in both syndromes) (JAMA 1970 Vol 214 no 13) [5pgs.]

Chronic Arthritis After Rubella Vaccination Clinical Infec Dis. 1992 15;307-12 [6pgs]

Acute Arthritis Complicating Rubella Vaccination (ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM 1971 41) [4pgs]

Joint Symptoms Following an Area Wide Rubella Immunization Campaign Report of a Survey Am J of Public Health Vol 62 no 5 [4pgs]

Polyneuropathy Following Rubella Immunization Am J Dis Child 1974 Vol 127 [5pgs]

Postpartum Rubella Immunization: Association with Development of Prolonged Arthritis, Neurological Sequelae, and Chronic Rubella Viremia (THE JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES 1985 vol 152 no 3) [7pgs]

Gamma Globulin Prophylaxis; Inactivated Rubella Virus; Production and Biologics Control of Live Attenuated Rubella Virus Vaccines (this is contains info on the use of human aborted fetal tissue cells in rubella vaccine) Amer J Dis Child 1969 vol 118 [10 pgs] I am just going to point out a few things in this article. The first part deals with gamma globulin. The part of interest is the end where there is a discussion between doctors and researchers, one being the famous Dr. Sabin. They begin discussing the possible dangers of the aborted fetal tissue cells (they also discuss animal use and its dangers) with possible genetic material passed over into the vaccine. Also human leukemia viruses. They start discussing the aborted fetus used in the WI-38 cell (this is the fetus tissue cells they use to grown the disease on it is lung cells [diploid]). I am going to type part of this discussion.

Dr. K McCarthy: It seems to me that there are two things that we worry about in regards to WI-38 cell substrate. First of all, presence of extraneous viral agents; secondly, the possibility of there being human genetic material passed over into the vaccine. I wonder if there is any information about the reasons for aborting that particular embryo that gave rise to WI-38; and if it was from a family, whether we have any information about siblings from the family and whether they are normal?

Dr. S Plotkin, Philidelphia: I should like to answer Dr. McCarthy’s question. This fetus was chosen by Dr. Sven Gard, specifically for this purpose. Both parents are known, and unfortunately for the story, they are married to each other, still alive and well, and living in Stockholm, presumably. The abortion was done because they felt they had too many children. There were no familial diseases in the history of either parent, and no history of cancer specifically in the families; I believe this answers Dr. McCarthy’s question.

Dr Sabin goes on to say that this issue (objections to their use) is based on emotion rather than reason. He then goes on talk about how in theory something may show up later that we do not have the technology now to discover (my .02 we all know they did not discover SV40 right away). Also he talks about a number of researchers and the national Cancer Institute are developing a program to determine whether the leukemia sarcoma complex that has been now been so well characterized in avian species and in mice may also have its counter part in human beings. (The discussion goes into further detail.)

Production and Testing of Rubella Virus Vaccine (more on the use of aborted fetal tissue cells) Amer J Dis Child 1969 Vol 118 pg. 367 [5 pgs]

The in vitro growth of rubella virus in human embryo cells (more on aborted fetal tissue) Am J of Epidemiology Vol 81 no 1 [7pgs]

Studies of Immunization With Living Rubella Virus (more on aborted fetal tissue) Amer J Dis Child vol 110 Oct 1965 [7pgs] This fetus was from a 25 year old mother exposed to rubella 8 days after last menstrual period. Sixteen days later she developed rubella. The fetus was surgically aborted 17 days after maternal illness and dissected immediately. Explants from several organs were cultured and successful cell growth was achieved from lung, skin, and kidney. It was then grown on WI-38. This new vaccine was tested on orphans in Philadelphia.

Attenuation of RA 27/3 Rubella virus in WI-38 Human Diploid Cells (more on use of aborted fetal tissue) Amer J Dis Child Vol 118 1969 [7 pgs] Explant cultures were made of the dissected organs of a particular fetus aborted because of rubella, the 27th in our series of fetuses aborted during the 1964 epidemic. The third explant, which happened to be from kidney, was selected arbitrarily for further study.

Serological Evidence of Reinfection among Vaccinees During Rubella Outbreak Lancet Vol 336 pg. 1071 [1pg]


Thrombocytopenic Purpura Following Vaccination With Attenuated Measles Virus Amer J Dis Child Jan 1968 Vol 115 [3pgs]

Investigation of a measles outbreak in a fully vaccinated school population including serum studies before and after revaccination (Pediatr Infec Dis J 1993 12) [8pgs.]

Risk of Aseptic Meningitis after Measles, Mumps , and Rubella Vaccine in UK Children Lancet 1993 Vol 341 [4pgs]

Failure of Measles Vaccine Sprayed into the Oropharynx of Infants (this is on an inhaled vaccine not a shot vaccine it is using the E-Z strain) Lancet May 1983 [1pg]

High Titre Measles Vaccine Dropped (this is on the Experimental E-Z Measles vaccine) Lancet 1992 Vol 340 [1pg]

Failure to Reach the Goal of Measles Elimination Arch Intern Med 1994 vol 154 [6pgs]

A Measles Outbreak at a College with Prematriculation Immunization Requirements Am J Of Pub Health Vol 81 no 3 [4pgs]

An Explosive point-source measles outbreak in a highly vaccinated population (American Journal of Epidemiology 1989 Vol 129 no 1) [10]

Atypical measles in children previously immunized with attenuated measles virus vaccines (PEDIATRICS VOL 50 NO 5) [6pgs]

Neurological disorders Following Live Measles-Virus Vaccination (JAMA March 1973, Vol 223 No 13) [4pgs] Abstract: From 1963 through 1971, eighty four cases of neurologic disorders with onset less than 30 days after live measles-virus vaccination were reported in the United states. Thirteen could be adequately accounted for by cases other than vaccine, and another 11 were uncomplicated febrile convulsions probably related to vaccination. One case met diagnostic criteria for subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. The remaining 59 showed clinical features of encephalitis or encephalopathy. Causes of these cases could not be established, but 45 (76%) had onset between 6 and 15 days after vaccination; this clustering suggests that some may have been caused by vaccine. From 1963 through 1971, 50.9 million doses of measles vaccine were distributed, and, therefore, incidence of the reported neurologic disorders was 1.16 per million doses. Risk of encephalitis following measles infection is one per thousand cases. (my note – the vast majority of vaccine complications go unreported, making the figure inaccurate and the figure for encephalitis complications following measles infection is grossly overstated.)

A Persistent Outbreak of Measles Despite Appropriate Prevention And Control Measures ( American Journal of Epidemiology Vol 126 No3) [13pgs.]

Exaggerated Natural Measles Following attenuated Virus Immunization (PEDIATRICS 1976 VOL 57 NO 1) [3pgs.]

Child Mortality After High-Titre Measles Vaccines (this is on E-Z measles) Lancet Vol 338 1991 [4pgs]

Thrombocytopenia After Immunization with Measles Vaccines, Review of the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (1990 to 1994) The Ped Infect Dis J vol. 15 no 1 Jan 1996 [3]

Measles Vaccine and Crohn¢s Disease Gastroenterology vol. 108 no 3 1995 [3pgs]

Severe Hypersensitivity or Intolerance Reactions To Measles Vaccine In Six Children (ALLERGY 1980 35) [7]

Pathogenesis of Encephalitis Occurring with Vaccination , Variola and Measles Arch of Neurology and Psychiatry 1983 Vol 39 [8pgs]

Aseptic Meningitis after Vaccination Against Measles and Mumps (Pediatr Infec Dis J 1989 8 pg 302-308) [7pgs]

Measles Vaccine Associated Encephalitis in Canada Lancet Sept. 1983 [2pgs]

Guillain -Barre Syndrome Following Administration of Live Measles Vaccine Amer J of Med 1976 Vol 60 [3pgs]

Summary: In a 19 month old girl and a 16 month old girl the gullian barre syndrome developed within a week after they received, respectively, live measles-rubella vaccine and live measles vaccine. The older child was immune to rubella at the time of vaccination, but both girls demonstrated a primary measles antibody response. Serum obtained during the acute and convalescent stages from the younger child was tested for antibodies against the herpes virus, epstein barre virus, cytomeglovirus and varicella -zoster and found to be negative. The author goes on to state vaccine and wild strains can in the pathological process lead to demyelinzation. These two cases again emphasize the need to carefully document the neurological diseases which follow infections with live virus vaccines.

Pancreatitis Caused by Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine Pancreas vol 6 no 4 [2pgs]

Measles Vaccine and Neurological Events Lancet May 1997 [2pgs]


Mumps Outbreak in a Highly Vaccinated School Population /evidence for large scale vaccination failure Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 1995 Vol 149 [5pgs] Summary: 54 students developed mumps –of those 54, 53 had been fully immunized.

Aseptic Meningitis as a Complication of Mumps Vaccination (Ped Infec Dis J 1991 Vol 10 No 3) [5pgs]

A Large Outbreak of Mumps in the Postvaccine Era J Of Infect Dis vol 158 no 6 1988 [8pgs]

Guillain -Barre Syndrome occurrence following combined mumps- rubella vaccine Am J Dis Child Vol 125 1973 [2pgs]

Mumps Vaccines and Meningitis/ Heterogeneous Mumps Vaccine (more on Urabe strain vaccine) Lancet Vol 340 1992 [2pgs.]

Mumps Vaccine and Nerve Deafness Amer J Dis Child Vol. 123 1972 [1pg]

Flu Vaccine

Neuropathy After Influenza Vaccination (this deals with Swine flu vaccine) Lancet Jan 29, 1977 [ 2 pgs.]

Isolated Hypoglossal Nerve Paralysis Following Influenza Vaccination Am J Dis Child 1976 vol 130 [2pgs]

Guillain -Barre Syndrome Lancet Sept. 1978 [1pg]

Relapsing Encephalomyelitis Following the use of Influenza Vaccine Arch Neurol Vol 27 1972 [2pgs]

Anaphylactoid allergic reactions to influenza and poliomyelitis vaccines Annals of Allergy Vol. 18 1960 [4pgs]

A Neurological Note on Vaccination against Influenza British Med J Sept 1971 [2pgs]

Optic Atrophy Following Swine Flu Vaccination Annals of Opthalmology July 1980 [3pgs]

Polio Vaccine

Anaphylactoid allergic reactions to influenza and poliomylitis vaccines Annals of Allergy Vol. 18 1960 [4pgs]

Vaccine Associated Poliomyelitis Lancet March 1994 Vol 343 [3pgs]

Vaccine Associated Paralytic Poliomyelitis New England J of Med 1993 [1pg]

Cluster of Childhood Guillain- Barre Cases after an Oral Poliovaccine Campaign Lancet Aug. 1989 [2pgs]

Poliomyelitis and Prophylactic Innoculation against Diphtheria , Whooping Cough and Smallpox (DPT and smallpox vaccines increased chances of polio) Lancet Dec 1956 pg. 6955 [9pgs]

Residual Paralysis after Poliomyelitis Following Recent Inoculation (this on increase in polio after DPT shots) Lancet June 1952 pg. 1187 [3pgs]

Preparation of Poliovirus in a Human Fetal Diploid Cell Strain Am J Hyg. 1962 vol. 75 [10]

Outbreak of Paralytic Poliomyelitis In Finland; Widespread Circulation of Antigenically Altered Poliovirus Type 3 in a Vaccinated Population Lancet June 1986 [6pgs.] (this article talks about a polio outbreak in a vaccinated population — many who caught polio received injections of IVP some even had up to 5 doses of the vaccine)

Shedding of Virulent Poliovirus Revertants during Immunization with Oral Poliovirus Vaccine after Prior Immunization with Inactivated Polio Vaccine J of Infect Dis 1993 ;168 [5pgs] Abstract: Fecal shedding of virulent revertant polioviruses was examined n isolates from infants previously immunized with >1 dose of orally administered live attenuated polio vaccine (OPV) alone, enhanced-potency inactivated polio vaccine (EIPV) alone, or a combination of both. After administration of OPV alone, vaccine poliovirus serotypes were recovered in feces within 1 week and for as long as 31-60 days in 30%-80% of subjects after 1 or 2 doses and in 30%-50% after immunization with >3 doses. No revertant poliovirus shedding was observed after OPV challenge in subjects immunized previously with >3 doses of OPV. However, fecal shedding of revertant poliovirus after OPV challenge was observed in 50%-100% of subjects previously immunized with >3 doses of the EIPV. These findings suggest that prior immunization with EIPV does not prevent fecal shedding of revertant polioviruses after subsequent reexposure to OPV.

The Relation of Prophylactic Inoculations to the Onset of Poliomyelitis Lancet April 5, 1950 [5pgs]

More on Vaccine Associated Paralytic Poliomyelitis New England Journal of Medicine Dec 23,1993 [2pgs]

Intramuscular Injections within 30 Days of Immunization with Oral Poliovirus Vaccine: A Risk Factor for Vaccine Associated Paralytic Poliomyelitis New England Journal of Medicine Feb 1995 [7pgs]

Neurologic Complications In Oral Polio Vaccine Recipients J of Ped June 1986 [4pgs]

Outbreak of Paralytic Poliomyelitis in Oman :Evidence for Widespread Transmission Among Fully Vaccinated Children Lancet 1991 Vol 338 [6pgs]

Immune Response of Infants in Tropics to Injectable Polio Vaccine BMJ Jan 1982 [1pg] This article is for injected polio vaccine. What it contains of interest is the claim that oral polio vaccine in a series of 3 shots is only maybe 78% effective and vaccine failure is common.

Smallpox Vaccine

Re-emergence of human monkeypox in Zaire in 1996 Lancet May 1997 [1pg]

DPT Vaccine

Encephalopathy Following Diphtheria Pertussis Inoculation Arch Dis Childhood Vol 28 1953 [1pg]

Fatal Anaphylactic Shock occurrence in identical twins following second injection of diphtheria toxoid and pertussis antigen JAMA June 1946 [6pgs]

Pertussis Vaccination and Asthma: is there a link? JAMA 1994 Vol 272 no 8 [1pg]

Further Contributions to the Pertussis Vaccine Debate Lancet may 16 1981 pg. 1113 [2pgs]

The Whooping Cough Immunization Controversy Arch Dis Child 1981 vol. 56 [4pgs]

Workshop on Neurologic Complications of Pertussis and Pertussis Vaccination Neuropediatrics 1990 Vol 21 [6pgs] Interesting point stated in this article: In evaluating side- reactions to the vaccine the following must be kept in mind:

  • 1 Vaccines are not standardized between manufacturers.
  • 2 For a given manufacturer, vaccines are not standard from one batch to the next.
  • 3 Unless the vaccine is properly prepared and refrigerated, its potency and reactivity varies with shelf life.
  • 4 In fact, the whole question of vaccine detoxification has never been systematically investigated.

Encephalopathy Following Pertussis Vaccine Prophylaxis JAMA Vol 141 [3pgs]

Encephalopathy Following Diphtheria Pertussis Inoculation Arch of Dis Child Vol 28 1953 [2pgs]

Mortality and Morbidity from Invasive Bacterial Infections During a Clinical Trial of Acellular Pertussis Vaccines in Sweden Pediatri Infect Dis J 1988 7 [8pgs]

Adverse reactions after injection of absorbed diphtheria- pertussis- tetanus (DPT) vaccine are not due only to pertussis organisms or pertussis components in the vaccine Vaccine vol 9 1991 [4pgs]

Pertussis Encephalopathy with a Normal Brain Biopsy and Elevated Lymphocytosis Promoting Factor Antibodies Pediatric Infectious Disease 1984 Vol 3 no 5 [4pgs] This talks about a vaccinated child who gets encephalopathy from whooping cough disease

Neurological Complications of Pertussis Inoculation Arch Dis in Childhood 1974 ;49 [4pgs]

Encephalopathies Following Prophylactic Pertussis Vaccine Pediatrics Vol 1 1948 [20pgs]

Bordetella Parapertussis (This article is on another type of pertussis that the vaccine does not cover but has the same symptoms of whooping cough. This article explains how during pertussis outbreaks many cases were actually parapertussis instead.) Am J Dis Child 1977 Vol 131 [4pgs]

Pertussis Vaccine Encephalopathy JAMA 1990 Vol 264 [4pgs]

Recurrent Seizures After Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis Vaccine Immunization AJDC Oct 1984 Vol 138 [3pgs]

DTP- Associated Reactions: An Analysis by Injection Site, Manufacturer, Prior Reactions, and Dose Pediatrics vol 73 no1 [3pgs]

Nature and Rates of Adverse Reactions Associated with DTP and DT Immunizations in Infants and Children Pediatrics vol 68 no 5 [10pgs]

Anaphylaxis Due to Vaccination in the Office Can Med Assoc J vol 134 Feb 1986 [2pgs]

Encephalopathy After Combined Diphtheria Pertussis Inoculation Lancet 1950 [3pgs]

Increased Intercranial Pressure After Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis Immunization American J of Disease of Childhood Vol 133 Feb 1979 [2pgs]

Reactions to Pertussis Vaccine Lancet May 28 1983 [2pgs]

Reactions to Combined Vaccines Containing Killed Bordetella Pertussis The Medical Officer Feb 1967 [4pgs]

Abscesses Complicating DTP Vaccination Am J Dis Child Vol 135 Sept 1981 [3pgs]

Acellular and Whole Cell Pertussis Vaccines in Japan JAMA Vol 257 no 10 1987 [6pgs]

Infectious Episodes Following Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus Vaccination Clinical Pediatrics Oct 1988 [4pgs] 82 infants, aged 2-12 months, were prospectively studied for infectious episodes following DPT immunization. The occurrence of infectious episodes during the month following vaccination was compared to that during the month prior to its administration. The 3 days following vaccination were not included. In comparison to the month prior to immunization, during the month following there were significantly more infants with fever (6.1% vs.24.4%, p < 0.001), with diarrhea (7.3% vs. 23.1, p < 0.005), and with cough (37.7% vs. 52.4% p N.S.). After the first month of the study, there was an increase in morbidity in the region, so we reevaluated those cases who had been seen during the latter 3 months. The same trend was found: in the month following immunization there were significantly more infants with fever (53% vs.25%, p < 0.005), with diarrhea (10.5% vs 28%, p <0.02), and with cough (26% vs. 54%,p <0.01). There was no correlation between the incidence of these episodes and the age at vaccination. In addition to reactive fever during the first 3 days following DPT immunization, an increase in infectious episodes seems to occur in infants during the month following administration of this vaccine.

Seizures Following Childhood Immunizations J of Pediatrics Vol 102 no 1 [7pgs]

Bulging Anterior Fontanel After DPT Vaccination The Indian J of Ped 1994 vol. 61 no 1 [2pgs]

Illness After Whooping Cough Vaccination (I think this is an excellent article to have on hand) The Medical Officer Oct 1961 pg. 241 [4pgs]

Encephalopathy Following Pertussis Vaccine Prophylaxis JAMA Vol 141 no 8 [3pgs]

Vaccination Against Whooping-Cough (this is by Dr.Gordon Sterwart) Lancet Jan 1977 [4pgs]

Rectal Temperature of Normal Babies the Night After First Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus Immunization Arch Dis in Childhood 1990 ;65 [3pgs]

Is Universal Vaccination Against Pertussis Always Justified? BMJ Oct 22, 1960 [3pgs]


Acute Transverse Mylelitis after Tetanus Toxoid Vaccination Lancet may 1992 Vol 339 [2pgs]

Adverse Reactions to Tetanus Toxoid JAMA may 1994 vol. 271 [1]

Unusual Neurological Complications Following Tetanus Toxoid Administration J Neurology 1977 ;215 [2pgs]

Guillain-Barre syndrome after Combined Tetanus- Diphtheria Toxoid Vaccination J Neurological Sciences 1997 147 [2pgs]

Abnormal T- Lymphocyte Subpopulations in Healthy Subjects After Tetanus Booster Immunization New England Journal of Medicine Jan 1984 [2pgs]

Hep B Vaccine

Acute Hepatitis B Infection after Vaccination Lancet Vol 345 Jan 1995

Multiple Evanescent White Dot Syndrome After Hepatitis B Vaccine American J of Ophthalmology Vol 122 No 3 [2pgs]

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Vaccination Against Hepatitis B Nephron 1992; 62 [1pg]

Hepatitis B Vaccines: Reported Reactions WHO Drug Info vol. 4 1990 [1]

Postmarketing Surveillance for Neurologic Adverse Events Reported After Hepatitis B Vaccination American J of Epidemiology Vol 127 no 2 [16pgs]

Severe Acute Hepatitis B Infection After Vaccination Liver Dysfunction and DNA Antibodies After Hepatitis B Vaccination Thrombocytopenic Purpura After Recombinant Hepatitis B Vaccine Lancet Vol 344 [2pgs]

Central Nervous System Demyelination after Immunization with Recombinant Hepatitis B Vaccine Lancet Vol 338 1991 [2pgs]

Pulmonary and Cutaneous Vasculitis Following Hepatitis B Vaccination Thorax 1993 vol. 48 [2pgs]

Reactions to Thimerosal in Hepatitis B Vaccines Dermatologic Clinics vol. 8 no 1 Jan 1990 [4pgs.]

Acute Posterior Multifocal Placoid Pigmant Epitheliopathy After Hepatitis B Vaccine Arch Ophthalmol vol. 113 March 1995 [4pgs.]

Gullian-Barre Syndrome Following Immunization with Synthetic Hepatitis B Vaccine New Zealand Med J March 1989 [2pgs]

Hypersensitivity to Thiomersal in Hepatitis B Vaccine Lancet Vol 338 1991 [1pg]

Polyneuropathy Associated with Administration of Hepatitis B Vaccine New England J of Med Sept 1983 [1pg]

Evans¢s Syndrome Triggered by Recombinant Hepatitis B Vaccine Clinical Infect Dis 1992;15 [1pg]

MISC. Articles

Myocardial Complications of Immunizations Annals of Clinical Research 1978 Vol 10 [8pgs]

Adverse Events Associated With Childhood Vaccines other than Pertussis and Rubella JAMA Vol 271 no 20 [4pgs]

Seizures following Childhood Immunizations Journal of Ped Vol 102 no 1 [5pgs]

Vaccine Damage Lancet Jan 1997 [1]

Sudden Death Among Finnish Conscripts (this deals with vaccines causing death due to damage to heart) British Med J 1976 [3pgs]

Childhood Immunization and Diabetes Mellitus New Zealand Medical Journal May 1996 [1pg]

Allergic Reaction Associated with Viral Vaccines (PROGR MED VIROL Vol 13 pgs. 239-270} [17pgs]

Immunization Practices of Primary Care Practitioners and Their Relationship to Immunization Levels Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med/Vol 148 Feb 1994 [9gs]

Regression of Hodgkin¢s Disease After Measles Lancet may 1981[1pg]

Depression of Tuberculin Sensitivity Following Measles Vaccination American Review of Respiratory Diseases 1964 Vol 90 [5pgs]

Incentive for Measles Mumps and Rubella Vaccination Lancet March 1989 pg 496 [1pg] Sir–Dr.Miller and colleagues (Feb 4, p271) suggest that education of parents and professionals could bring about full measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination coverage before the child is two yrs. old. Dr. Narayan (Feb 4, p272) suggests monitoring of small-area uptakes and giving authority to the immunisation co-oridinators, in addition to educational campaigns. In England at least, unit managers possess the necessary authority and they receive performance-related pay. We ought to consider seriously the offer of financial incentives to parents willing to present their children for immunisation. A 10 pound voucher could work wonders for uptake. The risk of contradictions being hidden by a greedy parent could be reduced by ensuring that the money is linked to attendance at the clinic, not to insertion of the needle.) A pilot trial is called for. J.K. Anand

Frequent Symptoms After DTPP Vaccination (this is DPT plus Polio vaccine combined ) Arch Dis in Child 0ct-dec 1991 vol 66 [5pgs.]

Risk of Virus Transmission by Jet Injection (this on the dangers of using jet injectors to vaccinate) Lancet Jan 1988 [1pg]

Dermatomyositis and Vaccination Lancet May 1978 [2pgs]

Litigation Causes Huge Price Increases in Childhood Vaccines Lancet June 1986 pg 1339 [1pg.]

Allergic Reactions to Tetanus, Diptheria, Influenza and Poliomyelitis Immunizations Annals of Allergy Vol. 20 1962 [5pgs.]

The Serial Cultivation of Human Diploid Cell Strains (more on the use of human aborted fetal tissue cells) Experimental Cell Research vol 26 1961 [19pgs.]

Malignant Tumors as a Late Complication o f Vaccination Arch Derm Vol 98 1968 [4pgs]

Vaccine -Induced Autoimmunity Journal of Autoimmunity 1996 Vol 9[5pgs]

Depressed Lymphocyte Function after MMR Vaccination Journal of Infec Dis.vol 132 no 1 1975 [4pgs]

Vaccines and Antiviral Drugs (has a small paragraph on the use of human aborted fetal tissue) Epidemiology of Viral Infect. vol. 86

Complications of Immunization (lists some risk factors ) Ped in Review Vol 18 No. 2 1997 [2pgs]

How The FDA Works to Ensure Vaccine Safety (Very pro- vaccine but has a few points of interest) FDA Consumer Dec 1995 [5pgs]

Repeated Immunizations: Possible Adverse Effects Annals of Intern. Med 1974 81;594-600 [6pgs]

Neurological Complications of Immunization Annals of Neurology Aug 1982 [10pgs]

Multiple Sclerosis and Vaccination BMJ April 1967 [4 pgs ]

Increase in Asthma correlates with Less Childhood Infection Lancet Jan 1997 [1pg]


Possible Temporal Association Between Diphtheria-Tetanus Toxoid-Pertussis Vaccination and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Pediatric Infectious Disease 1983 Vol 2 no 1 [5pgs]

DTP Vaccination and Sudden Infant Deaths—Tennessee MMWR March 23,1979 [2pgs]

Characteristics of Diphtheria-Pertussis- Tetanus (DPT) Postvaccinal Deaths and DPT- Caused Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS): A Review Neurology April 1986 [2pgs]


Babies died in vaccine tests
(The Sunday Post May 28, 2000)

Parents were never told of experiments 50 years ago

THE Government moved to reassure parents last night after it was revealed more than 20 babies died or were brain damaged in secret whooping cough vaccine tests.

Thousands of babies were used in the NHS experiments in the late 40s and early 50s without their parents¢ consent.

Over 1000 came from Tyneside alone.

The vaccine had not been tested before and health chiefs have only now admitted the trials took place, between 1948 and 1956.

The discovery was made after the Vaccine Victims Support Group called for a Government inquiry into damage caused by vaccinations.

An all-party parliamentary group, led by Eccles MP Ian Stewart, compiled information on all vaccines used in Britain. Reports of the 1950s trials were among these documents.

Mr Stewart said, “It appears a trial was being conducted without parents¢ consent. Families should have been warned the drug was in early stages.”

Families hope this new evidence will help in their fight for compensation to help look after loved ones.

Olivia Price, the support group¢s North East representative, said,

“Children were used as guinea pigs.”


Mary Heads (79), from Gateshead, has spent the last 50 years caring for her son Michael. Despite being fit and healthy until he was 20 months old, just hours after being given whooping cough vaccine he became feverish an started to have convulsions.

Doctors said it was unlikely Michael would survive but after eight days in a coma he pulled through. He was left paralysed down his right side, severely brain damaged and with epilepsy.


Mrs Heads said, “I have never been given so much as l0p to help look after Michael. Now we are told the drug hadn’t been tested properly and our children were part of an experiment.”

But a spokesman for the Department of Health said he did not think bringing the issue up was “beneficial”.

He said, “We are talking about trials 50 years ago and it is important to recognise things which happened in the past would not happen now.”



Parent to Parent Vaccine Danger Alert
Did You KNOW. . .that during the last session of the US Congress, the pharmaceutical industry assigned to each member of the House and Senate six lobbyists each to provide campaign support and contributions in exchange for congressional votes on legislation that grants liability protection to the drug companies for injuries, disabilities, and deaths caused by all vaccines?
All vaccines contain toxic chemicals, DNA from animal tissue & aborted fetuses, and foreign proteins in the form of either live or dead viruses and bacteria.nbsp; Current vaccine technology is based on science that is over two hundred years old and which says that vaccines “safely stimulate an immune response.”


Today’s Advanced Science states that this is IMPOSSIBLE!
The most advanced science on the human immune system, developed over the past 100 years in the field of tissue and organ transplant, proves that the human immune system cannot be tricked, suppressed, or controlled into accepting or tolerating any foreign DNA or proteins.nbsp; The human immune response to the recognition of any foreign tissue or substance (by infection, injection, or transplantation) always involves a KILLER reaction upon the foreign invader.
The Dangers of Vaccination
Toxic chemicals added to vaccines create immunologic as well as nervous system problems because they are not easily eliminated from the body, they accumulate in brain and organ tissues, and they damage nerves.nbsp; Foreign proteins and DNA, when not adequately neutralized and eliminated by the immune system, can penetrate through cellular membranes.

Once inside the cells, the foreign DNA bonds to or replaces entire segments of your own DNA, after which the immune system no longer recognizes as “self.”nbsp; When healthy cells mutate into “non-self” cells, they become targets for the killer immune response.

Killer Immune Responses = Autoimmune Reactions
The immune system correctly identifies mutated cells, foreign proteins, and toxic chemicals that get “inside the body” as invaders that must be killed.nbsp; The killer immune response to mutated “self” cells is called an autoimmune response.nbsp; Because MUTATED CELLS replicate billions of times as replacement cells for what had been normal cells, a sustained autoimmune response becomes inevitable and leads to the autoimmune diseases and symptoms listed on this flyer.
Why is this allowed to continue?
Vaccination, the public health achievement of the 20th century, is based on a flawed but pervasive belief that presumes immune function can be improved by injecting toxic chemicals and foreign proteins into the body.nbsp; Yet modern science has proven that this medical procedure cannot be done without serious immunologic consequences.
Why DO medical doctors and government agencies insist that vaccines continue to be mandated for our children?
Did You KNOW. . .The pharmaceutical industry makes over 7 billion dollars each year from vaccines.nbsp; Over 200 new vaccines are being developed and many will to be added to the childhood vaccination list for guaranteed profits in the trillions of dollars.

Did You KNOW. . .The pharmaceutical industry and medical professions make trillions of dollars in profit each year from drugs and medical treatment related to the diseases and conditions that result from autoimmune responses to vaccination.

Did You KNOW. . .The only person that will protect you and your child from the government’s continued use of outdated and dangerous vaccine technology is YOU!


Diseases & Symptoms Linked to Vaccines
Autoimmune diseases Bullous pemphigus Gait disturbances Meningoencephalitis
Blood disorders Cancer Gastroenteritis Multiple Sclerosis – MS
Bowel diseases Cardiac complications Glomerulonephritis Myocarditis
Nervous system disorders Cerebral Palsy Graves Disease Neurological disorders
Skin disorders Celiac Disease Guillain-Barre Syndrome Optic Neuritis
Chronic Fatigue CFIDS Gulf War Syndrome Otitis Media
ADD/ADHD Death Hair loss Pancreatitis
AIDS Convulsions – Seizures Hearing loss Parkinsonism
Allergies Crohn¢s Disease Hemolytic anemia Pericarditis
Alzheimers Death Hepatitis B Polio
Anaphylaxis Demyelinating disorders Hyperkinetic syndromes Respiratory Infections
Aplastic anemia Development disorders Immune suppression Shaken Baby Syndrome
Arthritis Diabetes Inflammatory Bowel SSPE (Sclerosis/Enceph)
Asthma Dermatomyositis Intussusception Tuberculosis
Autism Eczema Kidney disorders Thrombocytopenia
Bell¢s Palsy Encephalitis Leukemia & Lymphoma Tourette¢s Syndrome
Birth defects Erysipelas Lichen planus Transverse Myelitis
Brain swelling Eye damage Liver disorders Vaccinia
Brain damage (severe) Fibromyalgia Lupus Vasculitis
Blood reactions Foot & Mouth Disease Meningitis Violent behavior